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Blazor component lifecycle events

Lifecycle of Blazor Components Blazor components have a lifecycle that defines the various stages a component goes through from its creation to its disposal. Understanding the component lifecycle is crucial for managing state, optimizing performance, and responding to events. Here's an overview of the Blazor component lifecycle events along with sample code to illustrate each stage: Initialization : This is the initial stage where the component's parameters and dependencies are set. It happens before rendering. @code { [Parameter] public string Message { get ; set ; } protected override void OnInitialized ( ) { // Initialization logic } } <h3>@Message</h3> Initialize a database connection Load data from a server Set up bindings Create timers or other asynchronous tasks Parameter Set : This stage occurs when component parameters are set. It can be useful for reacting to changes in parameters. @code { [Parameter] publ

Async implementation in Blazor

Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Async Flows in Blazor: 1. Understanding Asynchronous Programming: Before delving into Blazor-specific async flows, it's crucial to understand asynchronous programming concepts like async and await . Asynchronous operations help improve the responsiveness of your UI by not blocking the main thread. 2. Blazor Component Lifecycle: Blazor components have their lifecycle methods. The OnInitializedAsync , OnParametersSetAsync , and OnAfterRenderAsync methods allow you to implement asynchronous operations during various stages of a component's lifecycle. 3. Asynchronous API Calls: Performing asynchronous API calls is a common scenario in web applications. You can use HttpClient to make HTTP requests asynchronously. For example, fetching data from a remote server: @page "/fetchdata" @inject HttpClient Http @ if (forecasts == null ) { <p> < em > Loading... </ em > </ p > } else { <table>

Architecture of WebAssembly

WebAssembly Architecture and Browser Integration WebAssembly (Wasm) is a revolutionary technology that enables efficient execution of code in web browsers at near-native speeds. Its architecture involves a combination of components within the browser that work together to compile, load, and execute WebAssembly modules. In this detailed article, we will delve into the architecture of WebAssembly and explore how it integrates with browser components to enable seamless execution of Wasm modules. WebAssembly Architecture Overview Source Code : Developers write code in high-level programming languages like C, C++, Rust, or even languages like Python through transpilers. This code is then compiled to WebAssembly binary format ( .wasm files). WebAssembly Binary Format : The WebAssembly binary format is a low-level, compact bytecode representation of the source code. It is designed for efficient and secure execution in web browsers. This binary format is portable and can be delivered ov

WebAssembly vs Java Applets

A Detailed Comparison: WebAssembly vs. Java Applets WebAssembly and Java Applets are technologies aimed at enhancing web applications by enabling execution of code directly in the browser. However, they have significant differences in terms of architecture, performance, security, and modern web development practices. Let's compare these two technologies in-depth, along with scenarios and code samples. WebAssembly Architecture: WebAssembly is a binary instruction format that allows high-level languages to be compiled into a low-level bytecode that can run efficiently in browsers. It provides a secure sandboxed environment where code can execute without direct access to browser internals. WebAssembly modules can be integrated into web applications, enabling performance-critical components to run faster than JavaScript. Performance: WebAssembly code can achieve near-native performance, making it suitable for applications requiring complex computations or real-time interacti

Overview of WebAssembly

WebAssembly: Revolutionizing Web Application Development WebAssembly (Wasm) is a groundbreaking technology that enables developers to run high-performance code in web browsers at near-native speeds. It has the potential to significantly change the way web applications are built, offering new levels of performance, security, and cross-platform compatibility. In this article, we'll explore what WebAssembly is, how it affects web app development, and provide a detailed example of building an e-commerce application using C# and .NET Core. What is WebAssembly? WebAssembly is a binary instruction format designed as a portable compilation target for high-level programming languages like C, C++, Rust, and others. It aims to provide efficient and secure execution of code on web browsers by allowing developers to compile their applications to a bytecode format that can be executed in a sandboxed environment. This bytecode can be executed at near-native speeds, providing performance improv

Introduction to Blazor

Introduction to Blazor with C# Blazor is a modern web framework developed by Microsoft that allows developers to Build interactive web applications using C# and .NET instead of traditional web technologies like JavaScript. Blazor enables you to create web applications using the same language and tools you use to build other .NET applications, such as desktop and mobile applications. It provides a way to write client-side code that runs directly in the browser while leveraging the power of C# and the .NET runtime. How Blazor Works Blazor offers two hosting models: Blazor WebAssembly and Blazor Server. Blazor WebAssembly In the WebAssembly hosting model, the Blazor application is compiled into WebAssembly bytecode, which is a binary instruction format designed for safe and efficient execution in web browsers. This bytecode is downloaded by the browser and executed directly in a secure sandbox environment. The application communicates with the server only during initial dow

Mitigation of SQL Injection attack in EF core

Mitigating SQL Injection Attacks with Entity Framework Core Introduction:  SQL injection is a serious security vulnerability that occurs when an attacker manipulates input data to execute unauthorized SQL queries. Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that provides built-in safeguards against SQL injection attacks. This article explores how EF Core helps prevent SQL injection, discusses common attack vectors, and provides code samples to illustrate the concepts. Understanding SQL Injection:  SQL injection occurs when untrusted user input is directly concatenated into SQL queries. Attackers exploit this vulnerability by injecting malicious SQL code, leading to data breaches, unauthorized access, and more. How EF Core Helps Prevent SQL Injection: Parameterized Queries: EF Core automatically generates parameterized queries. Instead of concatenating values directly into SQL statements, it binds input values as parameters. This prevents attacke

Securing application from vulnerable inputs through middleware in dotnet core

Securing Applications with ASP.NET Core OWIN Middleware Against Payload Attacks Introduction:  Cybersecurity is a crucial aspect of modern application development. One area of concern is preventing attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in request payloads. This article explores how to use ASP.NET Core OWIN middleware to enhance the security of your applications by addressing payload-based attacks. Vulnerability:  Payload Attacks Payload attacks involve sending malicious data in the request payload to exploit vulnerabilities. These attacks can lead to various security breaches, including data exposure, injection attacks, and remote code execution. Using OWIN Middleware:  ASP.NET Core provides the OWIN (Open Web Interface for .NET) middleware pipeline, which can be customized to intercept and process requests before they reach the application's core logic. This provides an opportunity to implement security measures. Sample Code Implementing Payload Inspection Middleware: Here'

Download CSV file using JavaScript fetch API

Downloading a CSV File from an API Using JavaScript Fetch API: A Step-by-Step Guide Introduction: Downloading files from an API is a common task in web development. This article walks you through the process of downloading a CSV file from an API using the Fetch API in JavaScript. We'll cover the basics of making API requests and handling file downloads, complete with a sample code snippet. Prerequisites: Ensure you have a basic understanding of JavaScript and web APIs. No additional libraries are required for this tutorial. Step 1: Creating the HTML Structure: Start by creating a simple HTML structure that includes a button to initiate the file download. <!DOCTYPE html> < html lang = "en" > < head > < meta charset = "UTF-8" > < meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" > < title > CSV File Download </ title > </ head > < body >

Data Migration Strategies for MySQL databases

Data Migration Strategies for MySQL Databases: An Overview of few Approaches Introduction: Data migration is a crucial aspect of database management, especially when transitioning from one MySQL database to another. It involves transferring data while ensuring its integrity, consistency, and availability. This article explores the challenges associated with data migration and provides detailed solutions along with sample code snippets. Challenges in Data Migration: Data Consistency: Ensuring that data remains consistent during the migration process is critical. Any discrepancies or errors can lead to incorrect results and data loss. Downtime: Minimizing downtime is essential to maintain business continuity. Prolonged downtime can disrupt operations and affect user experience. Schema Changes: When migrating to a new database version, the schema might change. Adapting the data to fit the new schema while preserving relationships can be complex. Data Volume: Handling large

Chrome for Testing: Browser Automation made easy

Introduction Google Chrome for Testing is a new Chrome flavor that specifically targets web app testing and automation use cases. Browser and Driver Setup and Maintenance Setting up a browser testing environment is a difficult task, and it needs more effort to keep the browser and the chrome driver up-to-date and it is a top web developer / automation engineer's pain point The Auto-Update One of Chrome’s most notable features is its ability to auto-update. This helps the users to keep their browsers up-to-date with the latest upgrades and be safe when they are online As a developer / automation engineer, running a suite of end-to-end tests requires the below aspects to be taken care of You want consistent, reproducible results across repeated test runs—but this may not happen if the browser executable or binary decides to update itself in between two runs. You want to pin a specific browser version and check that version number into your source code repository, so that yo

Git Bash Developer Productivity Tips

Boosting Productivity with Custom Aliases in Git Bash As a developer, efficiency and productivity are paramount. One of the lesser-known gems in Git Bash is the ability to create custom aliases, which are shortcuts for commonly used Git commands or even more complex workflows. These aliases not only save keystrokes but also streamline your workflow, making version control tasks smoother and quicker. In this article, we'll dive into the world of custom aliases, explore how to create them, and highlight their time-saving potential. What are Custom Aliases? Custom aliases in Git Bash are user-defined shortcuts for frequently used commands. These aliases can be as simple as abbreviations or even entire command sequences. They can encompass both Git-specific commands and regular shell commands. Creating Custom Aliases To create custom aliases, you need to modify your Git configuration. You can define aliases in two scopes: local (for a specific repository) global (for all reposit

RIAK Database - A Distributed NoSQL Solution

Exploring Riak Database: A Distributed NoSQL Solution Introduction In the world of modern technology, data storage and retrieval have become crucial aspects of software development. Traditional relational databases often struggle to handle the scale and distribution demands of today's applications. This is where Riak, a distributed NoSQL database, comes into play. In this article, we will delve into the problem that Riak database solves and explore how it addresses these challenges with real-world examples. The Problem: Scalability and Fault Tolerance Traditional relational databases are built around a fixed schema and a single server. As data grows, these databases might struggle to handle the load efficiently, leading to performance bottlenecks and scaling challenges. Moreover, relying on a single server can be risky – if that server fails, data might be lost or unavailable. Riak's Solutio

Using Spring Cloud Config Server for Multi-tenancy configuration

Let's walk through a basic example of how to set up and use Spring Cloud Config Server to manage configuration for multiple tenants in a Spring Boot Application. Step 1: Create a Spring Cloud Config Server Create a new Spring Boot project with the Spring Cloud Config Server dependency. <!-- pom.xml --> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-config-server</artifactId> </dependency> Configure the Spring Cloud Config Server: // src/main/java/com/example/ import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import; @SpringBootApplication @EnableConfigServer public class ConfigServerApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } } Configure the appl

Using Apache Avro for Efficient Data Serialization

Introduction In the world of software development, efficient data serialization plays a crucial role in enabling smooth communication between different components, systems, and applications. One popular technology that addresses the challenges of data serialization is Apache Avro. Avro is a powerful and versatile framework that offers a compact and efficient way to serialize data, making it an ideal choice for various scenarios. In this article, we will explore the need for efficient data serialization, the problems it helps us solve, and how to use Apache Avro with Java, using a "Product" entity as an example. The Need for Efficient Data Serialization Modern software systems are often composed of multiple components running on different platforms and communicating over various protocols. This communication involves sending data between these components, which can be in different formats and structures. Data serialization is the process of converting complex data str