A Short Note on SaaS [Software As A Service]. IMHO, I am building upon a short post on SAAS, this is not exhaustive, but I encourage the readers to share their valuable comments to improve this post. SaaS is an abbreviation of Software As A Service.AKA Software on Demand, where the vendors develop, host and operate on the software and make it available on the internet for its consumers / customers. SaaS is the most mature category of cloud service, since it evolved from the application-service-provider model of software hosting. With SaaS, software applications are rented from a provider as opposed to purchased for enterprise installation and deployment. SaaS is the most mature category of cloud service, since it evolved from the application-service-provider model of software hosting. With SaaS, software applications are rented from a provider as opposed to purchased for enterprise installation and deployment. Users Can range from small group to multitude SaaS Considerat...
I have 11+ years of experience in Software development. I am proud to be in the top 5 Multi-Tenancy answerers @ Stackoverflow. I have worked with C#, Java, MySQL, SQL Server, Multi-tenancy, AWS, Azure, Terraforms, Java with Spring boot and Python, groovy, bat scripts