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Architecture of WebAssembly

WebAssembly Architecture and Browser Integration

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a revolutionary technology that enables efficient execution of code in web browsers at near-native speeds. Its architecture involves a combination of components within the browser that work together to compile, load, and execute WebAssembly modules. In this detailed article, we will delve into the architecture of WebAssembly and explore how it integrates with browser components to enable seamless execution of Wasm modules.

WebAssembly Architecture Overview

  1. Source Code: Developers write code in high-level programming languages like C, C++, Rust, or even languages like Python through transpilers. This code is then compiled to WebAssembly binary format (.wasm files).

  2. WebAssembly Binary Format: The WebAssembly binary format is a low-level, compact bytecode representation of the source code. It is designed for efficient and secure execution in web browsers. This binary format is portable and can be delivered over the internet.

  3. Browser Components:

    • Parser: When a Wasm module is fetched, the browser's parser interprets the binary data and converts it into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). This AST represents the structure and semantics of the WebAssembly code.
    • Validator: The validator checks the validity and safety of the Wasm module. It ensures that the module adheres to the WebAssembly specification, preventing malicious or erroneous code from running.
    • Compiler: Once validated, the compiler translates the WebAssembly code into machine code that is suitable for the target architecture. This machine code is optimized for efficient execution.
    • Memory Management: WebAssembly operates in a linear memory model. Browsers allocate a memory buffer for the module to use. The module interacts with this memory using load and store instructions.
  4. Execution Engine:

    • JIT Compilation: Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation involves compiling the WebAssembly module into native machine code at runtime, just before execution. This compiled code is then executed by the browser's JavaScript engine.
    • Ahead-of-Time Compilation (AOT): Some browsers offer the option to perform Ahead-of-Time compilation, where the Wasm module is compiled to native machine code ahead of time, reducing the runtime overhead.
  5. Integration with JavaScript: WebAssembly can interact with JavaScript code through a mechanism called the WebAssembly JavaScript API. This API allows JavaScript and WebAssembly to call each other's functions, share data, and collaborate seamlessly.

Browser Components for Running WebAssembly

Parser and Validator:

  • The browser's parser reads the fetched WebAssembly binary and converts it into an AST.
  • The validator checks the module's structure, types, and control flow, ensuring it adheres to the WebAssembly specification.
  • Invalid or malicious code is rejected during validation to maintain security.


  • The compiler translates the validated WebAssembly code into machine code.
  • Browsers may use various compilation strategies, including JIT compilation or AOT compilation, to optimize execution speed.

Memory Management:

  • WebAssembly operates with a linear memory model, which is a contiguous block of memory accessible by the module.
  • The browser allocates memory for the WebAssembly module, and the module interacts with this memory using load and store instructions.
  • Typed arrays in JavaScript can be used to share data between JavaScript and WebAssembly.

Execution Engine:

  • The JIT compiler translates the WebAssembly module into native machine code, optimizing it for the target architecture.
  • The JIT-compiled code is executed by the browser's JavaScript engine, which manages memory, execution flow, and interactions with other browser components.

WebAssembly JavaScript API:

  • The WebAssembly JavaScript API allows JavaScript and WebAssembly code to communicate and collaborate.
  • JavaScript can call WebAssembly functions and vice versa, enabling seamless integration between the two.
  • This API also facilitates data sharing, allowing efficient exchange of data between JavaScript and WebAssembly.


WebAssembly's architecture involves a sequence of steps, from source code to execution, that work together to enable efficient and secure execution of code within web browsers. Browser components such as parsers, validators, compilers, memory managers, execution engines, and the WebAssembly JavaScript API collaborate to ensure that WebAssembly modules are safely and optimally executed. This integration of technologies empowers developers to build high-performance web applications that leverage the strengths of WebAssembly. As the technology continues to evolve, WebAssembly's impact on web development is expected to be significant and far-reaching.


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