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Showing posts with the label exceptions

How to implement Global Exception Handler in Spring Boot

Exception Handling There is always a requirement to handle all the NFR (Non-Functional Requirements) well in any application so that the application performs well in production and possess the excellent traceability and exception reporting mechanisms for better visibility on what happens in applications. Types of Exceptions We normally use exceptions within each domain of the application like Customers, Orders, Inventory etc. There are also a lot of custom exceptions that might be required when the application is built to capture, report the exceptions to the user. In this process, we can follow the below given process Base Exceptions There are multiple use-cases where we need separate exceptions to report multiple error conditions or cases, let us consider one such case for data validation. BaseValidationException import java.util.List; public class BaseValidationException extends RuntimeException { public BaseValidationException() { super(); } public BaseVali...