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Showing posts with the label github

Git Bash Developer Productivity Tips

Boosting Productivity with Custom Aliases in Git Bash As a developer, efficiency and productivity are paramount. One of the lesser-known gems in Git Bash is the ability to create custom aliases, which are shortcuts for commonly used Git commands or even more complex workflows. These aliases not only save keystrokes but also streamline your workflow, making version control tasks smoother and quicker. In this article, we'll dive into the world of custom aliases, explore how to create them, and highlight their time-saving potential. What are Custom Aliases? Custom aliases in Git Bash are user-defined shortcuts for frequently used commands. These aliases can be as simple as abbreviations or even entire command sequences. They can encompass both Git-specific commands and regular shell commands. Creating Custom Aliases To create custom aliases, you need to modify your Git configuration. You can define aliases in two scopes: local (for a specific repository) global (for all reposit...

How to setup GPG keys in windows and configure the public key in github

GPG In this post today, we are going to look into the steps that we need to follow to generate and use a gpg  key with github Below given are the steps Installation Install  GnuPG for windows Validation of Installation Run the below command to verify if gpg is installed and working fine gpg --version Generate GPG key gpg --full-generate-key Running the above command will start running a command line wizard or sequence of steps, Choose the right length of the key Provide your username and email address Also provide a comment (Optional) Once done, approve with "O" Then the system will prompt for Key phrase, which will be used to secure the keys, so please remember and provide a secure value Listing the key List the keys that were generated as a result of the previous command using the below command gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long This command will produce a similar output gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long -------------------------------- pub   2048R/35F5...

Extract value of property in a json objects collection

Introduction  [Looking for a needle in haystack] When we have a huge chunk of JSON object or collection of JSON objects and have to get the value of a specific property form the JSON, we will need a tool to get us the value extracted or manually use any editor and search for the key and look up its values.  This is a very tedious job and takes more effort for a person to get this job done Problem Statement  In case of searching for a needle in the haystack, we might have search functionality, however to extract out the values, we must use some sort of regex or other complex mechanism to get the value Solution  In order to overcome the above problem, I have created a simple application using HTML and Javascript that can get this job done very fast. Basic understanding of how objects and keys work will be sufficient to get the job done and I am not building something super special, however, we need a tool that can be handy than write a code each time and attempt to fix...

Using Hashicorp Vault

Why a Vault? The reason for having a vault is to have the secrets for the application stored in a very "safe" / "secure" location so that only trusted clients of the Vault (Web Apps / Services etc ) can get access to the secrets. When we do not use a vault, the dev team will check-in the secrets like Database Credentials, AWS credentials etc to the source control, which leaves it open to be accessible to anyone that gets access to source code. There are a lot of Vaults out there in AWS, Azure etc, but this system is opensource and we have full control of the installation and security, which piqued my interest and hence I started exploration. Dangers of exposing Secrets In the hands of wrong person, it could be disastrous, especially if the secret has more privileges, more the depth of the damage Developers might get to try out changes with these credentials. In recent years, a colleague of mine forgot to append the where clause in the production...

Push code from local machine to github in windows

To   Create a new Repository in Github from the gitbash command line interface, follow the steps below, touch git init git add git commit -m "first commit" git remote add origin git push -u origin master To   push existing code to a Repository in Github from the gitbash command line interface, follow the steps below git remote add origin git push -u origin master Additional Reference: See here