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Showing posts with the label operator overloading

Operator Overloading in Kotlin

Introduction The operator overloading feature let's us to build custom operators. In The below example, we provide a compareTo which can help us in evaluation of the <, >, = functions in the custom object of type MyDate data class MyDate( val year: Int , val month: Int , val dayOfMonth: Int ) : Comparable<MyDate> {     operator override fun compareTo(other: MyDate)= when {          year != other.year -> year - other.year         month != other.month -> month - other.month         else -> dayOfMonth - other.dayOfMonth     } } In the above snippet, we are implementing the Comparable<T>   for our MyDate type so that we can compare two instances of type MyDate as given below     println(date1 < date2) Capabilities This helps us in implementing custom operators to ease the use of business objects throughout the code rather than repeating code or usin...