The following are the rules that are to be adhered to when creating any custom user defined exception.
1. Follow the Naming convention so that the self-explanatory name of the exception ends with Exception like: ArgumentNullException.
2. The following constructors should be defined
These ensure that the created Exception satisfies the default rules of User Defined Exceptions. [Also Satisfies FxCop Validation]
-- Saravanan
1. Follow the Naming convention so that the self-explanatory name of the exception ends with Exception like: ArgumentNullException.
2. The following constructors should be defined
- public NewException()
- public NewException(string message)
- public NewException(string message, Exception exception)
- protected or private NewException(SerializationInfo serializationInfo, StreamingContext streamingContext)
These ensure that the created Exception satisfies the default rules of User Defined Exceptions. [Also Satisfies FxCop Validation]
-- Saravanan
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