This is a process in which we can be able to extract properties of interest from an object / collection.
We have been used to using destructuring in javascript and other functional languages whereas in Java / C# we have not been able to do this.
However, kotlin has added the functionality to destructure classes by properties, collections, maps etc.
Destructuring classes
To enable a class to be destructured, should we do anything in kotlin?
The answer is yes and no.. looks puzzling ain't it.
Destructuring a class
Below is a regular class (non data class) which needs implementation to allow it to be destructured
class User(var mail: String, var deptId: Long) {
operator fun component1() = mail
operator fun component2() = deptId
Destructuring a data class
Below is a declaration of a data class which comes with the support for destructuring for free as like toString, hashcode etc..
data class CompanyUser(var mail: String, var deptId: Long)
Now that pre-requisites are covered, let's move to destructuring, shall we
Destructuring to tuples
Let's say that we need to extract the email, department from the above class, we must implement as given below,
var (mail, dept) = users.get(0);
Here, we have taken the 1st user and extracted out the mail and dept properties and printed them to the console.
Destructuring collections
Below is an example of a list of users created and how we can extract the objects from the list, this is not quite great of an example, but helps explain the concept
var users = listOf(
User("", 0),
User("", 1),
User("", 2),
User("", 2)
We are extracting the admin and manager users from the list as given below
val (admin, mgr) = users
Destructuring a map
In the maps, we normally have keys and values and we use a Pair in Kotlin to process or Map.Entry in java to process. In case of applying destructuring, it boils down to tuples with less code
var userMap = mapOf(
users.get(0).deptId to users.get(0),
users.get(1).deptId to users.get(1),
users.get(2).deptId to users.get(2)
Now the destructuring is as given below
for ((k, v) in userMap) println("$k - $v")
Let us assume that we plan to implement a destructuring operation in an array which might be coming as an input from another application or from a 3rd party library, we need to make sure that the bounds are checked.
val (first, second, third, fourth) = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)
Now, let us explore the destructuring operation
println("$first ~ $second ~ $third")
A working desctructing is given above
println("$first ~ $second ~ $third ~ $fourth")
As we have learned about the nullable types, we might assume that the nullable type can help evade the Array Index out of bounds exception, which will not be working as given below
val (first, second, third, fourth: Int?) = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)
This again throws an exception instead of setting fourth as null.
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